Saat ini, semakin banyak pelajar Indonesia yang mempertimbangkan untuk melanjutkan kuliah di luar negeri. Apakah kamu salah satunya?
Bagi kamu yang memiliki cita-cita melanjutkan kuliah di luar negeri, berikut ada panduan kuliah di luar negeri yang perlu kamu ketahui.
Keuntungan Kuliah di Luar Negeri
Melanjutkan pendidikan di luar negeri akan memberi banyak pengalaman, melatih diri memiliki pemikiran yang terbuka terhadap berbagai hal. Tinggal jauh dari keluarga dan kenyamanan yang selama ini didapat akan membuat kamu tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang lebih dewasa dan bijaksana dalam memandang kehidupan. Hal ini memberikan soft skill baru yang akan membantu kamu menjadi pribadi yang sukses.
Banyak negara memiliki sistem pendidikan yang lebih maju dan didukung dengan staf pengajar dan juga teknologi yang mumpuni. Namun bukan berarti sistem pendidikan di Indonesia tidak baik lho ya! Namun, kuliah dan mendapatkan gelar sarjana di luar negeri apalagi di universitas ternama kamu akan belajar menggunakan kurikulum internasional, laboratorium lengkap, sistem evaluasi yang bertaraf internasional dan masih banyak lagi point plus yang lainnya.
Lulusan dari sekolah atau universitas luar negeri biasanya memiliki ‘nilai lebih’ di mata perusahaan. Hal ini akan semakin membuat diri semakin ‘menjual’ untuk mendapat pekerjaan impian.. Selain di dalam negeri, kesempatan bekerja di luar negeri juga terbuka lebar lho! Dengan ijazah yang diakui di seluruh dunia dan jaringan yang dimiliki selama bangku perkuliahan bukan tidak mungkin kamu mengisi jabatan di salah satu top company di dunia!
Perlu pertimbangan yang matang ketika memilih negara tujuan kuliah kamu. Paling tidak pertimbangkan 6 hal berikut ketika memilih negara tujuan kuliah.
Setiap negara memiliki sistem pendidikan yang berbeda yang bisa jadi pertimbangan ketika memilih tujuan melanjutkan pendidikan. Pilihlah negara yang sistem pendidikannya memberikan banyak kesempatan dan didukung dengan teknologi dan sumber daya yang mumpuni.
Pilihan program studi yang tersedia di universitas suatu negara juga harus dipertimbangkan, supaya sesuai dengan minat dan bakatmu
Setiap orang yang mendapatkan sarjana di luar negeri paling tidak memiliki beberapa universitas favorit yang ingin dituju. Hal ini juga bisa jadi pertimbangan penting ketika memilih negara untuk kuliah lho!
Tak bisa dipungkiri biaya kuliah di luar negeri tentu lebih mahal daripada kuliah di dalam negeri. Oleh karena itu, pertimbangkan biaya kuliah rata-rata di suatu negara sebelum memutuskan mau kemana agar budget pendidikan sesuai dengan kemampuan.
Apa jadinya jika kamu kuliah di kampus yang bahasa pengantarnya sama sekali tidak kamu mengerti? Tentu ilmu yang diajarkan oleh dosen tidak akan bisa diserap dengan baik karena perbedaan bahasa. Oleh karena itu sesuaikan kemampuan bahasa asing ketika memilih negara tujuan kuliah ya!
Biaya hidup juga perlu dipikirkan karena kamu akan menghabiskan sekitar 2 – 4 tahun di negara asing dan yang pastinya membutuhkan biaya besar. Perhitungkan komponen biaya hidup yang harus dikeluarkan sebelum memilih negara tujuan kuliah agar tidak melampaui batas kemampuan.
Jurusan sesuai passion
Karena ini berhubungan dengan masa depan, pilihlah jurusan yang sesuai dengan passion kamu! Jangan memilih jurusan kuliah cuma karena jurusan itu terlihat lebih bergengsi dari jurusan lainnya.
Target Waktu Lulus
Lama waktu studi di setiap negara berbeda-beda. Misalnya jenjang S1 di Eropa bisa diselesaikan dalam waktu sekitar 3 tahun dan untuk jenjang S2 bisa ditempuh dalam 1-2 tahun. Jadi bagi kamu yang memiliki target lulus kuliah, pastikan pilih negara yang lama studinya sesuai dengan tujuan kamu ya!
Prospek Karir Masa Depan
Bidang studi juga akan menentukan karir kamu di masa depan. Jadi jangan asal memilih jurusan cuma agar diterima di universitas impian, namun pertimbangkan bagaimana bidang studi tersebut akan membawa kamu ke masa depan yang sukses dan cemerlang.
We always do our best to be one of the competitive overseas education consultant and language course center, with Jubilee e-Class to maintain the good quality and service for our prospectus students and customers. Our motto is “Serving with Heart” which means that Jubilee Education Bali is a solution-oriented company of which core business lies on assisting students to make the precise choices in pursuing a higher education level, especially tertiary level, in the overseas educational institutions such as in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, United States and other countries.
We provide services with free of charge.
These are some easy steps to study overseas with us :
Globally-recognized degrees, top-ranking universities, interactive learning environment, cultural diversity, and an open work culture – Australia is everything you’d need for that ultimate international exposure.
What’s more? It is home to the world’s most liveable cities.
If you are thinking of studying abroad in Australia, please contact us and we will provide complete assistance for your study plan according to your passion and goals.
New Zealand is one of the safest and most beautiful countries in the world. With excellent study opportunities and world-class education, it has become one of the most attractive destinations for international students. Due to its low cost of living and exclusive facilities, large number of international students choose to study in New Zealand every year. So, If you want to experience the best education with affordable fees, you should Study in New Zealand.
If you are thinking of studying abroad in New Zealand, please contact us and we will provide complete assistance for your study plan according to your passion and goals.
The United States of America (USA) hosts the most number of international students in the world, with quality education, unique curriculum, multicultural environment, and abundant opportunities. American universities are widely known for the quality of their teaching and research. The education system in USA is the most versatile and flexible higher education system for international students in the world.
If you are thinking of studying abroad in USA, please contact us and we will provide complete assistance for your study plan according to your passion and goals.
Hosting nearly half a million international students, Canada is known to offer high quality education at affordable tuition fee with degrees that are globally recognised. Canada offer an excellent quality of life, immense post-study work and immigration opportunities – Canada stands out as a popular country to study among international students.
If you are thinking of studying abroad in Canada, please contact us and we will provide complete assistance for your study plan according to your passion and goals.
Going to university in the United Kingdom is a great way to expand your knowledge, meet new people, experience a new culture, and enjoy new experiences. You’ll get plenty of support at university, and a chance to experience a great student lifestyle. Whatever your interests, there’s a huge range of clubs and societies, as well as a diverse social life on offer.
If you are thinking of studying abroad in United Kingdom, please contact us and we will provide complete assistance for your study plan according to your passion and goals.
China provides opportunities for international students to view things from Chinese perspective. Merging the knowledge of both China and their home countries will give students an advantage to explore potential opportunities in China for the future. China has become one of the most popular study abroad destinations for international students because of its long history and exciting culture.
Both living costs and school fees are comparatively inexpensive, especially by comparison with United States and other western countries. International students can both study and save money to study in China. There are scholarships from the government, universities, foundations and corporations designed to support international students from different academic disciplines.
If you are thinking of studying abroad in China, please contact us and we will provide complete assistance for your study plan according to your passion and goals.
Switzerland is home to much more than chocolate and cuckoo clocks. Spectacular Alpine mountain ranges are flanked by crystal-clear bodies of water such as Lake Geneva. You will also be in for a treat in regards to the culture to be found here.
There is no doubt that Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries within Europe. Home to more than eight million residents, the country’s world-class universities attract countless prospective students looking for quality higher education.
If you are thinking of studying abroad in Switzerland, please contact us and we will provide complete assistance for your study plan according to your passion and goals.
Ireland is a beautiful island, combining contemporary modern cities with an idyllic countryside, cityscapes steeped in history and a rich natural habitat. The Republic of Ireland combines adventure, history, culture, and entertainment into one fascinating place.
Historically, Ireland was always one of Europe’s poorer countries, however, in the last 20 years; it has grown into one of Europe’s wealthiest nations. And the quality of the Irish education system is a major contributing factor to the rapid rate of economic growth Ireland has experienced over the last few decades.
As a world leader in research and innovation, Singapore stands as a premier education hub with its world class universities offering international students quality education at an affordable cost. Singapore had earned the third place in the 2013 QS Best Student Cities thus reflecting the country’s combination of highly ranked universities along with a diverse student community and high quality of life.
Singapore offers students a unique learning experience as they receive a perfect blend of social, cultural and educational mix. In addition the country offers the sophistication of modern living making Singapore truly vibrant and cosmopolitan. Quite a number of students these days are opting to study in Singapore.
Malaysia becomes one of the most wanted study destinations. Many people study in Malaysia for higher education. They can take a certificate, diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Malaysia also has some great universities in the 2019 QS World University ranking top 500. One of the many reasons why international students choose Malaysia is because of its cost-effective yet offers high-quality education.
If you are thinking of studying abroad in Malaysia, please contact us and we will provide complete assistance for your study plan according to your passion and goals.
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